Lately, I’ve been getting a lot of questions about the Launch Team and how one becomes a member.
Membership has it’s perks. Just read below and you’ll see what I mean.
My Part:
- I promise to make all my books available to you for free, in advance of their release. (This applies to books yet to be released. Some previously released books may be available upon request.)
- If you tell me you don’t like a book or a genre, I will do my best not to send you more of the same.
- From time to time, I may contact the team for support in sharing special tweets or posts and otherwise getting out the word on an upcoming release, sale or event.
- I will also be sharing news that is pertinent to the team.
- Going the extra mile:
- I will be offering the Launch Team swag and various gifts. This is not a payment or bribe for reviews! This is just my way of saying “thank you” for being a part of the Team. I don’t know at this time what kinds of swag or gifts I’ll be providing (probably books, posters, bookmarks, etc.), or what logistics this might entail. I will likely have to get your mailing/shipping address to mail things to you at some point. If you don’t want to share that information with me, I completely get that. Know that I will never share your information with anyone (other than on the shipping label).
To Qualify:
- First, you must be a part of the Reader’s Group. (Basically, this means you have joined my email list.)
- You can join the Readers’ Group simply by signing up. (Click here.)
… OR …
- You can join the Readers’ Group and get a FREE BOOK in exchange for your email address. (Click here and follow the directions on the screen.)
- Second, you must be engaged. My email provider ranks readers by their level of engagement (opening emails and clicking links). If you are not engaging regularly with my emails, I will not add you to the Launch Team roster.
- Third, you will need to have posted a “favorable” review for one (or more) of my books on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes or Kobo. (Proof will be required.)
- Fourth, you must read the information provided below and promise (in writing) that you will do your part as a member of the Launch Team, as stipulated below.
Your Part:
- You promise to seriously consider posting reviews of my books – if you like them.
- Please let me know if I send you a book or a genre you don’t like.
- For books that have been released, please post your reviews as soon as it is convenient for you.
- For newly released books, please post your reviews on the release date or as soon after the release date as possible.
- Please stay engaged by opening and reading my emails. If you like, write me, respond to my emails, complete poles, check out my special offers, etc.
- Going the extra mile (completely optional stuff):
- Please follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, and BookBub (as many of these as you like), and share my tweets, posts and offers. This is particularly helpful as a new book is approaching a release date or is going on sale.
- Please share the links for The Innkeeper’s Son and The Jester with your friends if you think they would enjoy the books and would want to join the Readers’ Group.
- Send me your comments on, or any errors you find in the books I make available to you. The earlier the better. This will give me a chance to fix the errors prior to the release. If you would like to do this in a more official capacity, I can also add you to a Beta Readers group that I will be forming (still in the concept stage, so stay tuned).
- Please provide feedback when I poll the Reader’s Group or Launch Team. Examples might be: helping me come up with a great name for the Readers’ Group, or judging a fan-art contest, etc.
- Really, the extra mile is up to you. If you come up with something you’d like to do, on your own or with the team or Readers’ Group, please let me know and I’ll see what I can do to support the effort. An example might be: You have a blog where you interview authors. Please consider asking me!
I know that looks like a lot, but after posting reviews for books you like, your part is really as simple or as grand as you want to make it.
If after reading this post, you are interested in joining the Readers’ Group and/or Launch Team, please follow the steps above and I’ll look forward to hearing from you!
Best Wishes and Better Adventures,
The Small print: The terms described above may be updated from time to time without notice.
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